Core Insights

A Career at the Forefront of Transformation and Innovation: A Q&A with Core4ce Advisor TJ White

April 29 2024

TJ White, center, at Core4ce’s 2024 Innovation Summit on April 23

2024 is shaping up to be a significant year for enterprise threat landscapes: Geopolitical instability has escalated into a new domain of cyber warfare, contributing to heightened security risks for our nation’s critical infrastructure, personal and proprietary business data, electoral systems, and other digital pillars of civic society.

Through it all, Core4ce has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the DoD cyber mission and enterprise security with continued innovation, strategic acquisitions, key partnerships, and the appointment of new board members. Most recently, Core4ce announced that TJ White, retired Vice Admiral and Commander of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. Tenth Fleet (C10F)/U.S. Navy Space Command and Commander of the U.S. Cyber National Mission Force/USCYBERCOM, has joined its Board of Advisors. As a veteran with command experience at all levels of the Navy, TJ has been at the forefront of national security strategies, data, and cyber operations for over 30 years.

Core4ce Co-Founder and CEO Mike Morehouse sat down with TJ to discuss his new role on the Board of Advisors, his assessment of the global threat landscape, the future of cyber operations, and the need for data lifecycle management in times of great uncertainty.


Mike Morehouse: TJ, it’s great to be with you today to discuss the journey we are embarking on together. Why did you decide to join the board?

TJ White: Mike, it’s great to be here. Let me say first that when it comes to addressing the most significant threats to our nation’s security, it’s ultimately about the people you trust and respect. Over the last several years, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know the senior leaders at Core4ce, and two things stand out: The entire team is motivated by something bigger than a bottom line, and they do not settle.

They have designed, stood up, and defended some of the largest, high-stakes government networks. I’m continually impressed with how Core4ce works to solve the most significant data, intelligence, and cyber challenges facing our society. The team constantly stress tests, improves, and delivers for their customers. It was an easy decision for me to come on board because I know the team is mission-driven to increase the resilience and readiness of the nation.


MM: How does your time in the Navy inform the perspective you are bringing to our board?

TJW: As joint force commander at Cyber National Mission Force and fleet cyber commander with 10th Fleet Command, I experienced some of the challenges of safeguarding sensitive data firsthand. My first tour in the Navy was on a ship that quickly evolved from an analog steam plant to an advanced digital platform with integrated weapons and fire control systems, sophisticated digital communications systems, and GPS capabilities. Its evolution from a dreadnought to a modern technology platform ignited my curiosity to think more deeply about data, information, and its impact on security. When I transitioned out of service, it became clear that Core4ce’s vision aligns with what I was working to achieve.


MM: What excites you most about Core4ce’s current trajectory and future?

TJW: Core4ce harnesses data to strengthen our nation’s security. The team understands that innovation requires disruption and invests resources to design and defend networks. Core4ce is doing important work in the DoD space to defend critical infrastructure and is expanding into commercial sectors, helping more organizations leverage data assets to better evaluate, manage, and mitigate threats.

The Core4ce team understands that the entire enterprise is built on and around data. Organizations, whether they are public or private, are always looking for more confidence in the data they use, store, protect, and transport to execute their missions. Core4ce’s expertise lies in leveraging value from the fabric of data in everyday operations. I’m excited to collaborate with Core4ce and serve our partners as we address the biggest digital challenges facing our citizens, our economy, and our nation.


MM: When you look at the emerging technology landscape, what do you think are the most pressing threats and challenges facing the federal government and commercial businesses? 

TJW: All technologies provide opportunities and risks. However, as emerging technologies like AI and quantum advance and evolve faster than ever, leaders need to think about how their organization can continuously consume, analyze, and share information with other organizations to coordinate sophisticated defense postures. For example, many defense agencies have mechanisms to share threat intelligence analysis, but the findings are only as reliable as the data. Core4ce is building platforms to extrapolate better information, more sophisticated data ontologies, and environments to map observations so organizations can better communicate and mitigate threats.


MM: What role do you see Core4ce playing in the future? 

TJW: Humans have spent their entire history being able to see their adversaries. If someone threw a rock, clenched a fist, or launched a missile, we knew who did it. Today, threats come from anywhere and play out in cyberspace in near real-time. Core4ce is perfectly positioned to equip our national security and business communities to lead strong offensive and defensive cyber operations. This team is experienced, effective, and ambitious, with a deep appreciation for – and understanding of – our armed forces’ needs.

Core4ce constantly thinks about the nation and our allies, and they show up every day to raise the bar for adversaries trying to breach those they serve.